Weldable strain gauges
We have supplied the AW series weldable strain gauges from TML for many years and we are pleased to announce that this range of weldable strain gauges now conform to the latest RoHS II and CE marking legislation for supply within the EU.

These rugged strain gauges are typically used for strain measurement at high temperatures up to +800°C, or for long term measurement in harsh or underwater environments. There are a number of different versions available, from simple gauges with integral PTFE leadwires, to hermetically sealed encapsulated gauges with mineral insulated cable and integrated wheatstone bridge completion. On some models a choice of Inconel 600 or SUS304 backing materials is offered for compatibility with different test specimen materials. These strain gauges are spot welded to the test specimen, and we can either supply or rent the W-50RC spot welder that is specifically designed for this purpose. We can offer training courses covering the installation of weldable strain gauges, as well as a complete strain gauge installation service or test data measurement service via sister company Quad I. Techni Measure application engineers shall be happy to help you specify suitable strain gauges and strain measurement solutions for your application, please contact us.