Adhesives & Coatings


**Available to purchase online**

TML adhesives are specially formulated for bonding strain gauges to test specimens. Refer to the specification of each gauge series for the applicable type of adhesives. To maintain the shelf life store adhesives in a cool, dry and dark place such as a refrigerator (+5 to +10°C) but never store in a freezer. We stock all of our adhesives in the UK for fast delivery. Many of these can be purchased directly from our online store for fast and easy payment and shipping

ID Description Temperature Range Curing conditions
(RT = Room Temperature)
Pack size
CN General purpose single component cyanoacrylate adhesive for metals and most plastics & composites -196 to +120°C RT, 1 min, thumb pressure 5 x 2g
CN-E Single component cyanoacrylate adhesive with higher viscosity for porous materials (concrete, mortar) -30 to +120°C RT, 2 mins, thumb pressure 5 x 2g
CN-R Single component cyanoacrylate adhesive with accelerated cure time for lower ambient temperature or low humidity environment -30 to +120°C RT, 30 secs, thumb pressure 5 x 2g
CN-Y Single component cyanoacrylate adhesive for post-yield gauges -30 to +80°C RT, 2 mins, thumb pressure 5 x 2g
P-2 General purpose two component polyester adhesive for metals -30 to +180°C RT, 3 hours, 50-300 kPa pressure 1 x (25g+3g)
RP-2 Two component polyester adhesive for porous materials (concrete, mortar) -30 to +180°C RT, 3 hours, 50-300 kPa pressure 1 x (25g+3g)
PS Two component polyester adhesive, used as precoat or adhesive for bonding to porous materials (concrete, mortar, wood) -30 to +100°C RT, 3 hours, 50-300 kPa pressure 1 x (25g+3g)
NP-50B Two component polyester adhesive for high temperature use on metals and composite -30 to +300°C RT, 16 hours, 50-300 kPa pressure 1 x (25g+3g)
C-1 Single component phenol adhesive for long term and wide temperature range use on metals (e.g. transducers) -269 to +200°C +130°C, 1 hour, 200-300 kPa, then +200°C, 1 hour, no pressure 1 x 25g
EA-2A Two component epoxy adhesive for cryogenic use on metals, plastics, composites & concrete -269 to +50°C RT, 1 day, 50-300 kPa pressure
+50°C, 2 hours, 50-300 kPa pressure
1 x (25g+15g)
EB-2 Two component epoxy adhesive for long term tests on metals, plastics & composites -60 to +200°C RT, 1 day, 50-200 kPa pressure 3 x (10g+3g)
A-2 Two component epoxy adhesive, low viscosity for embedding BTM gauges into bolts -30 to +100°C RT, 12 hours, no pressure, then+140°C, 3 hours, no pressure 1 x (25g+5g)



**Available to purchase online**

TML coating materials are designed to provide environmental protection for strain gauge installations in harsh environments or for long term applications. Please contact us for advice on selecting the best coating for your specific application. We stock all of our coatings in the UK for fast delivery.


ID Description Temperature Range Curing conditions (RT = Room Temperature) Pack size
General purpose microcrystalline wax for moisture and waterproofing 0 to +50°C Hot melt at +100°C, harden at RT 1 x 500g(1 x 100g)
N-1 Chloroprene rubber for moisture and waterproofing -30 to +80°C RT, 12 hours 1 x 25g
K-1 Special rubber for cryogenic moisture and waterproofing -269 to +60°C RT, 12 hours 1 x 25g
SB TAPE Butyl rubber tape for first or top layer moisture and waterproofing, convenient application -30 to +80°C RT, thumb pressure 1 x 5m roll
VM TAPE Butyl rubber tape for second or top layer, convenient application -20 to +80°C RT, thumb pressure 1 x 6m roll
KE-348W KE-348T Silicone rubber for moisture and waterproofing in high temperature (W = white, T = transparent) -50 to +200°C RT, 12 hours 1 x 100g
TSE3976-B Silicone rubber for moisture and waterproofing in very high temperature -50 to +300°C RT, 1 day 1 x 100g
