Fibre Optic sensors from OpSens Solutions
The range of Fibre-optic sensors from Opsens based in Quebec, Canada, is now on offer from Techni Measure. These products differ from other similar types of sensors, since they employ a unique white light source instead of laser light, and do not employ Bragg gratings in their operation. Sensors are available to measure temperature, strain, pressure and displacement, and white light source electronics can be single or multi-channel.
The main method of operation used is White Light Polarization Interferometry (WLPI), but for some of their temperature sensors OpSens also employ Semi-Conductor Band Gap technology (SCBG), which uses Gallium Arsenide crystals. A full description of these techniques is available at, but interferometry basically looks at the phase modulation of reflected light. When two waves combine and are changed by an external measurand, the resulting pattern is determined by the phase difference between the two waves and converted to a meaningful measurement. Opsens fibre-optic sensors for temperature, pressure, strain and displacement are designed to deliver accurate measurements in harsh environments and in the presence of EMI, MRI, RF, microwave and high voltage. They are immune to all such environmental influences. Temperature sensors measure from -40 to +250degC, the strain gauges can measure up to 5000 microstrain, displacement sensors measure from 0 to 25mm with 1 micron resolution, and the pressure sensors are available in several ranges up to 350bar. These pressure sensors are completely sealed, and the sensor body can be made of a selection of materials including stainless steel and can therefore function under adverse conditions of temperature and toxic or corrosive atmospheres.
We would be pleased to offer our advice on the correct use of any of these sensors, so if you can send us details of any appropriate application we will be able to find a solution.
More details are available on our Fibre Optic Sensors page